GetRight allows graceful recovery and resuming if you are disconnected in the middle of saving a file from the Web to your PC's harddrive. For example, if you have finished getting 95% of that 10 megabyte file and get disconnected, GetRight finishes getting the last 5% of that 10 megabyte file and disconnects. GetRight just finishes getting the last 5% without restarting from the beginning! Getright has automatic Internet connect and disconnect; it will even shut your computer off when it is done.
Go!Zilla is user-defined categories for files. Quickly and easily drag-and-drop the files directly to the categories. Go!Zilla has automatic Internet connect and disconnect; it will even shut your computer off when it is done. Go!Zilla also has recurring download scheduling in order to automatically update changing files such as stock reports and weather maps. In addition, it automatically sends all incoming files through the virus checker for validation.